Friday, March 2, 2012

Waiting for Spring . . . !!

Well, as you can tell, it's still winter here in my neck of the woods!  We truly thought that we would have one of those winters, where it seemed like a really bad, never-ending, yucky spring, but, it surprised us!  We have had little bits of snow for the past few weeks, and yesterday, we finally got a little over two inches, some places in the valley got up to 6 inches!

How are all of you?!  It just seems like forever since I have blogged, and visited with you!  My life has been pretty hectic for the last few months, but I can finally see daylight, and I think it may be slowing down to a slow trot!

Our kitchen is in!  Of course it's not a big fancy kitchen . . . but it's MY kitchen, and I love it!  The floors are  also in, and I love them too!

 I still don't have curtains up, and I have a few things that need to be switched up a little, but I'm so glad that it is finally done.

This is my favorite little corner in my new kitchen.  And at the end of the day, I just feel very grateful that I have a little corner. . .
Can you believe that yesterday was Nathan's first birthday!!  I just can't believe how quickly he has grown! We had a fun time celebrating with him last night and we are so blessed to have him in our family - we just love and adore him!

Nathan and mommy blowing out the candle!

Being kind of careful . . .

Then, diving right in!

Everyone got in on the . . .  gift un-wrapping!


Clara,who will be one in May, really loved his books!

Averi played, "Happy Birthday" on the piano!  Don't you just love her glasses?!

Show- off!

Sharing his toys with Clara - so sweet!  But look who's driving!

Two cuties!  Check out Taylor's headband that she made in her sewing class, isn't it adorable?!

 Averi, having a visit with grandpa Tanner!  Averi loves hands, and his have worked hard for many years!

One last cute picture of Nathan teaching Clara the fine art of "how to honk the horn"!

Can't wait to read and catch up on what everyone has been doing the last two months!!  Have a wonderful day!




Marge said...

Hi there! Soooooooooo glad you're back to the blogging world. I must confess that I was hoping that your husband would go back to work so you could blog. Me bad!

The kids are just too adorable. Reminds me of when my kiddos were little. sniff! sniff!

Your kitchen is just lovely including that special little corner of yours.

Have a wonderful w/e. Hugz!!

Vee said...

Beautiful new kitchen! I'm sure that you are loving every minute of it. It looks as if you have lots of space and those floors... Say, do we have the same stove? I like your little corner nook, too.

The grands are all so adorable. I love to see Averi marveling over her Grandpa Tanner's hands. Very dear...

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Your kitchen is beautiful!!!

So is your family. :-)

And your new blog look too, is sooooooo pretty. Love it!

"I couldn't have electricity in the house, I wouldn't sleep a wink. All those vapors floating about."
~Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham

Shug said...

Hi Barb...
Boy, have I missed you. I can not believe that Nathan is already one! The year has passed by so quickly...He is adorable. Happy Birthday Nathan!
Your kitchen is the white cabinets!
Now it is time for you to slow down, relax and wait for Spring..

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh goodness! That is a cute little man!

You have been gone and I've missed you.

Your kitchen is beautiful. I love how clean the lines are. Beautiful. I love the corner, so restful.

Karen Beth said...

Wow, the kitchen looks so good. And I love the corner. Can't wait to see it all done. Nathan is such a sweetie. They all are. Sorry I missed you today. Love you.

Just Ramblin' said...

Barb, It is so good to see you back with a post. I love your kitchen remodel and all the white cupboards! It is beautiful! And your special corner is so inviting. I can see that this has been a lot of work and why you haven't been blogging, but it is certainly well worth it. The pictures of your sweet grandchildren are delightful. What a blessing to be together to celebrate! It looks like you had a great time. Loved your snow picture. We've finally been getting a little also. But, I'm sure with the warmer weather we are supposed to get the first of the week it will soon be gone.
Again, it's good to see you back. You've been missed. Nola

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! I'm so glad to see you back here at "home"!

I just love your new kitchen, it's just beautiful. It looks so cheery and light! I know you will love working in that lovely space.

Your little grands are growing by leaps and bounds. I can't believe it! They are just adorable. Happy Birthday, Nathan!

Take care and congrats on finishing that kitchen, it's gorgeous!

Hugs, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I love your kitchen! I think it is bigger than mine! :) Love your corner. We all need a sweet spot like that.

And the children are so adorable! Thank you for sharing such precious pics with us.

Arlene said...

Hi Barb! I'm so glad you're back, you've been missed! I am loving all the pictures of those sweet beautiful faces, each one individual and each one special. I guess that's how the Lord feels when He looks at us, huh? What a great feeling that is!

I totally LOVE your kitchen! It's very similar in size to mine, and the layout is exactly like my own, so I know that I'd feel right at home! Not too big or too small, with plenty of counter space to roll out pizza dough or have little hands helping bake cookies. Even your light fixture is similar to the one in my dining room! You obviously have excellent taste ;). I do hope you enjoy making many memorable meals in your new kitchen.

And again, welcome back!

Kimmie said...


You have been missed.

Lovely to catch up with all your goings on. Love, love, love your kitchen and floors and of course all your delightful grandchildren.


Unknown said...

I always miss you. You give the most wonderful comments and I love your photos. I love new kitchens, so clean and organized. Enjoy.

LeAnn said...

I have so missed you my dear friend. It is so good to see you blogging again. I need to hear from you. The birthday party looked like so much fun. Yes, it does seem impossible that cute little one has turned 1 year old. I do love seeing the picture of Averi playing the piano with her glasses on. All the pictures were precious. Family time is the best time.
Love to you!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...