Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thoughtful Spot Sunday . . . Family . . .

 Taylor cuddling with Clara . . . cousins

Let me praise thee this day for the gift of my family.  They are sometimes enough to drive me nuts, but I am grateful for them, and all of their differences and their uniqueness.  Let me praise thee for my children and grandchildren.  They are funny and adorable and rewarding all at the same time.   Let me praise thee for my husband - who is all of the above  . . . and more . . . in a good way, and I love him dearly.  Let me praise thee for my mother and my sisters and the warm ring of family that has encircled me over the years.  

Most of all, let me praise thee for the gift of thy presence.  I can't see thee with my eyes, I can't hear thee with my ears, but by the gift of the Holy Ghost, I always know that thou art with me, near me, guiding me and loving me,  anytime I reach out with an honest heart and true intent. 

Have a beautiful and peaceful Sunday.



Saimi said...

What a beautiful post Barb!

Marge said...

This is perhaps the most beautiful entry I have read - ever! Thanks for sharing with me & others in our blog world. Hugz!

Shug said...

Beautiful Post Barb...Touches my heart...
Gorgeous photo and memory lasting..
Hope your day has been as wonderful as you are..

Anonymous said...


I am off to bed soon and I am so glad that I read your post beforehand. Such a sweet soothing post. I am thankful for you!

Vickie said...

Barb, you've been a busy girl! Your kitchen looks beautiful - I love the floors. Can you come do my kitchen now?

Great post for today, the Lord's day, and sometimes I fail the bless the Father and instead just pray for the needs of my family, friends and I. Thanks for this timely example.

Your grandkids are precious - The birthday party pics are so cute - Love those little bald heads! My favorite!

LeAnn said...

This is such a precious picture. You need to frame it. A truly sweet moment with a cousin. I loved your loveing thoughts today.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Barb, I just have one word for your post today...Beautiful!! Hugs, Cheryl

RoeH said...

What a nice post. We gotta have lunch sometime.

Vee said...

Sweet prayer... Sweet photo...

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Precious, precious photo.

And isn't that the way, with family. They can drive us batty, but they are nice to have, anyway. :-)))))

"Seeing what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle."
~~George Orwell

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is beautiful.

I love the picture of them. So incredibly sweet.

Have a wonderful week.

Just Ramblin' said...

Thank you for your beautiful thoughts. Nola

Sunny Simple Life said...

Life is messy isn't it? It is finding the beauty in the everyday challenges that makes life sweet. That is a precious picture.

Shug said...

Love this picture...
Not to worry Barb...I too fear calling somebody else a different name...sometimes my brain and my fingers do not work together..
I just love your personality...
have a sweet evening..

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...