Thursday, December 1, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY December 1, 2011

Outside my window... It's really cold, although the sun is shining!  Yesterday it snowed about 2 inches, most of it is melted, but there is still a skiff of the white stuff lingering on the ground!
I am thinking... That it's been a long time since my last post!

I am thankful for... The snow!

A favorite quote...

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. "
~Laura Ingalls Wilder~

From the kitchen... I think I will make beef, vegetable stew today, and bring some to my mother in law tomorrow for her dinner (It's always better the second day!) .  My sister-in-law is staying with her, and I  think she probably needs a break from cooking!  I might even make cinnamon rolls to go with it!

I am wearing... Jeans, a brown sweater and slippers.

I am creating... I'm in the process of making Christmas presents . . . . shhhhhhh . . . . it's a secret!

I am going... Tomorrow my husband and I are going to go run errands.  He is taking the day off, as he is working 7 days a week . . . again!!

I am reading... Just started the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins - so far so good!

I am hoping... That I can get caught up on all my blog reading.  It's amazing how much you miss when you don't read them everyday!

I am hearing... Christmas music from my blog.

Around the house... Beds to make, laundry to do, floors to sweep and vacuum, busy, busy, busy.

One of my favorite things... Watching old Christmas movies - my favorite is, "White Christmas".

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Tomorrow - running errands with my husband
Saturday - work on Christmas presents
Sunday - church

Here is picture for a thought I am sharing...

Sitting pretty!

Clara, all dressed up like a fairy princess!
"If we opened our minds to enjoyment, we might find tranquil pleasures spread about us on every side.  We might live with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam, and sit with the fairies who wait on every flower."  
~Samuel Smiles~



Find other wonderful daybooks here:


Julie Harward said...

love the sitting princess sweet!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What a precious Blog Look you have for Christmas! Love it! :-) Warm and cozy feeling and all-round lovely!

"The orange-scented zephyrs stirred, the branches rustled, and the tinsel crackled like merry music, to which the sparkling lights danced."
~~E.T.A. Hoffman "The Nutcracker"

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Ohhh you are starting "The Hunger Games"!!! My Granddaughter would love to hear that I was so doing. She is sooooooooooo in love with that book series. And awaiting the film of it. :-)

But this silly ol' Nana of hers, can't face it. What a wimp I am, hu??? -giggles- Well, I'll not tell her how wonnnnnnnnnnderful a Grandmother Reader (I know in Blog Land) is. Heh,heh,heh... Then she won't start pestering me again, to read it toooooooooooooo. -gigggles-

Gentle hugs,
"The orange-scented zephyrs stirred, the branches rustled, and the tinsel crackled like merry music, to which the sparkling lights danced."
~~E.T.A. Hoffman "The Nutcracker"

Kimmie said...


Vee said...

A delightful moment you've designed here for your readers and your journal. Your mother-in-law will so appreciate your thinking of her. I can almost see you puttering about in your kitchen putting all the ingredients together for a savory beef soup. Lovely music, lovely thoughts...beautiful Clara...she really is a darling. Have fun tomorrow! Hope that you and your hubby get a lot accomplished and enjoy the time together.

The WIlloughby Family said...

Sassy little princess!!! She is just so cute! I miss her!!!!

Arlene said...

White Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas movies too, along with Miracle on 34th Street (the original) and It's A Wonderful Life. Nothing like the classics!

I have to agree, stews are better the second day!

Have a great rest of your week Barb!

Gina said...

Hello Sweet Barb! I read the Hunger Games series a few months ago and enjoyed them. The movie should be coming out soon. :)

Snow! I'm hoping it won't snow here until Christmas. The temperatures have been dropping - 20 degrees less than yesterday. Brrrr


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful post.
Today was frigid wasn't it?

Your stew idea sounds lovely. Do you have a great recipe to share?

Shug said...

Hi Barb....Miss Clara is such a beautiful doll...
so precious sitting there...hard to believe they grow so fast.
I really like your new look...adorable.
Enjoy your time with hubby tomorrow..

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, love your new blog look! Your little Clara is so cute! I know you are having fun making Christmas gifts and I know they'll be special. Hope we get to see photos! Have a good day with your hubby and a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Cheryl

LeAnn said...

I loved the warm thoughts today. The quotes were so good; so I may borrow them. I like your new look for Christmas and of course I loved the picturs of your sweet Clara.
We watched "White Christmas" at Christina's for Thanksgiving. I too love that movie. I like all the Christmas movies and I enjoy watching the new ones on Hallmark.
I always love your Daybook entries and this was a very sweet one.
Blessings to you with lots of love and hugs!

amber and james said...

I love your blog background! It is soooo you! Those pictures are so cute of the princess. I am thankful that we got to spend Thanksgiving with you guys. My family loves to go to your house. We all feel so welcome and at home when we visit. You are nice to bring dinner to grandma, I should do that too huh? You are so kind. Love you!

Sue said...

Enjoyed your Daybook, Barb,and Clara is adorable! Dh and I an errands yesterday and had fun hope you had a great day too.
Love the music!

Just Ramblin' said...

Took a 5 minute break and was so happy to see you had a post. I so enjoy your posts and especially like your new background. Darling picture of sweet little Clara. I had fully intended to get back to posting but with our east winds guess it will be a while. Our area looks like a war zone. Trees broken off and uprooted everywhere, lost roofs, etc. This is the worst I've been in and we've gone through many over the years. My children have been with me two days as they have no power. Thankfully we do. However, we count our blessings that no one was injured. Hope you had a fun day with your husband. Nola

Pam Traskos said...

Hi Barb, Beautiful post! I agree, there is nothing like the Christmas Classics, White Christmas is right up there with It's a Wonderful Life! Can you imagine what it was like seeing them on the big screen back then!! I am soooo jealous, not a gramma yet, I do enjoy seeing all of the pictures of the precious grands! We got about two inches of snow here in MI, I love the pines and fir trees on our property when they're covered in the lacy whiteness...I refer to it a lot as The Prarie 'cause we're on ten acres. Thanks for the sweet visits, Hugs! Pam

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you for telling me that you like my red and white polka dots Background. I love it too! And I made it myself. I make a lot of my Backgrounds.

I also loved my red and white plaid, and that one will come back on again, I'm sure. It would make a great kind-of-permanent-Background. Like I made and left on, the little pink roses one, before. :-)

Don't worry about getting decorations up. There is no RULE! When we all have to get decorated. :-) All of a sudden, "the feeling" will hit you and you'll be in the mood to do it, and it will be fun then. :-)

"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart." ~~Washington Irving

My Daybook . . .

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