Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Musings . . .

I like the woods
In autumn
When dry leaves hide the ground,
When the trees are bare
And the wind sweeps by
With a lonesome rushing sound.

My trees are all bare now, except for a few broken branches from our early snow storm.  It's snowing ever so lightly . . .  you can hardly see it.

I have a very long to-do list, so hopefully, I can get everything done that I need to get done before Thanksgiving!  I am going to have two of my grandchildren stay overnight tonight, so I think I will recruit them to help me get some cleaning done!

I'm going to make my cranberry sauce today, I like the flavors to blend for a day or two - it's simply not Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce!  My turkey is thawing, and my ham is in the fridge ready to be glazed and put in the oven.  I have all of my tried and true recipes out, waiting to be prepared . . . now if my house was cleaned and ready!

It's hard for me to think that as soon as Thanksgiving is over, I need to think about Christmas!  Do you start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving?  I don't - I like to wait a week or two.  I do start to listen the Christmas music though . . . I guess I have to ease myself into the Christmas Spirit.  I'm Kind of struggling with that darn lack of sunlight  thing, it hits me every year!  I guess I better start taking more vitamin D3!

I've been having fun with Photoscape - I love all the vintage looks you can create with it!  What program do you use?  

We are going to be putting new wood floors in the living room, dining room and kitchen soon, and I'm trying to make up my mind what to put in.  Do you have wood flooring, if so, is it laminate or  the real wood flooring (not that laminate is not real wood!)?  Which do you prefer? 

Off to the shower and then get to work . . . so much to do . . . so little time!

Warm hugs to all,


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It is hard to believe that this year has flow so fast! Thanksgiving already?
I hope you get the housework done and have such a blessed and enjoyable day.
Do you have a special cranberry recipe that we need to know about?
Sounds divine.

Ya, the lack of sunshine thing. Not great for me right now.

Shug said...

Hi Barb..... this is a busy week. I love Thanksgiving and all the wonderful Blessings that come along with it. What joy it will be to have your grandchildren there to help you. Funny isn't it? I would love to send you a bit of our sunshine and I would love for you to send me some winter weather. I hope your week goes smooth and that you all enjoy a special Thanksgiving.

Packrat said...

Your pictures are beautiful, but they make me feel cold. lol. Have fun with the grands. I doubt we'll be decorating again this year. If we did, it would be closer to Christmas. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day with your family.

Debbie said...

I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving over here. I'll just have to wait for Christmas for my Turkey and Cranberry Sauce

Have A Wonderful Time
Love and Hugs
Debbie x

Vee said...

Oh you're singing my song. So much to do so little time. Hope that the grands were a great help to you. I think I've been "stuck" here for some time...thought I'd closed out. The music has been so nice. I must get the cranberry sauce together tomorrow as well so those flavors can marry. Rough weather coming in tomorrow night through Wednesday. I hate to think how it'll affect travelers. Fortunately, all my guests are not far away. How about yours?

Kimmie said...

I adore your photo's Barb!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your wonderful family. Have an extra serving of that delish sounding cranberry sauce for me hehehe


Gina said...


The pictures are gorgeous! Our leaves have almost all fallen now. Thankfully no snow yet!

How many will be attending your Thanksgiving dinner?

Most of our floors are real hardwood. Our blue room (piano/sitting room) has laminated wood. They are both nice but I think I personally prefer the wood.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Yes, I start Christmas decorating, the day after Thanksgiving. When all those *crazy people* are doing-Black-Friday. -giggles-

Enjoy your Thanksgiving...

Gentle hugs,
"Come ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of Harvest-home"

~ Henry Alford

Kam said...

Hi Barb,
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, sounds like it was shaping up to be wonderful! I know I'm late to comment, but I had to throw in my two bits about wood floors. What an undertaking, to put in new floors! wow! Good luck!! In our house in Caldwell, we had beautiful hardwood hickory floors. They hid the dirt well, had lovely knot holes and interesting coloring, and shined beautifully when I cleaned them. But, I was always cringing when someone (my kids, usually) dropped something heavy, moved a large object across, etc. Even in the two short years we lived there, we managed to ding the floor up in several places. A good friend of mine put in some new laminate hickory at her house, and it looked exactly like ours (to me, at least). And she doesn't have to wash it with vinegar, or worry about all the little dings and scratches. Sooo... I think I'd do laminate, if I could choose again. Plus, isn't it less expensive? hmm... Good luck getting it in. I bet it will be gorgeous!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...