Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Musings . . .

Valentines Day is almost here!  I have a special surprise to share with you, but you will have to wait until Valentines Day . . . if I share now, my husband will read it, and it's a surprise for him!  

What are some of your Valentine's Day traditions?  I would love to make Valentine's Day a little more special than I have in the past.  I have been married almost 37 years, and I think that is quite an accomplishment!  So, I would like to do something special and fun, but, as usual, it all depends on the weather!  My husband doesn't work on Fridays, so,  if weather permitting, I would love to go on a day trip, (you know how I love those!), maybe take a picnic lunch, or better yet, stop at a fun place to have lunch.   I have always found that the best place to talk to my hubby is in the car - I can get his undivided attention that way!  Not that I talk the whole time!!  He is also is more apt to open up and tell me the things that are on his mind when we are driving.  But really, after 37 years, do we really have to talk to understand each other?  I love this quote:

The older I grow the more I listen to people who don't talk much.  ~Germain G. Glien~

Sometimes just being together, enjoying the same thing, holding hands, or just sitting quietly is enough . . . 

Next Saturday, my daughter's sweet mother-in-law is having a baby shower for her!!  Not the conventional baby shower, as Jessica doesn't really need anything for this baby, but . . . "A Downpour of Dinners" baby shower!  I thought this was such a fun idea!  She is having us bring a freezer meal so that Jess, or Ben, can just pop it in the oven after she gets home from the hospital.  I know she will really appreciate it, since she has to have her children by c-section, and is down for a couple of weeks after coming home.  I think it's a wonderful idea for any new mom!  I can remember how hard it was to plan menus and cook after my children were born! I'm going to have fun planning and making a fun meal for her!

It's warming up here in Idaho - almost 34 degrees on my outside thermometer!  I can tell that Spring is on it's way by the way the air feels - I know it may sound a bit strange, but the air feels different to me!  I also  hear birds that have not been here for a while - I'm really anxious to hear the beautiful song of the Red Winged Blackbird and the meadowlark - two of my favorite! 

Think gentle thoughts, hug someone, tell someone you love them, read a love story, light a candle, listen to beautiful music, send someone a Valentine, be kind to yourself! 



Unknown said...

I always get the gd's something but that's about it. We have so many birthdays at this time of year that Val. Day kind of gets lost in the schuffle. I don't have a hubby to spoil anymore. Enjoy your's though. Linda

amelia said...

I have never done Valentines day. In England when I was at school it was just for an person to send or give a card anonymously. Not the way it is here where every kid in the class has to give cards and get them!!

I know I sound like an old Scrooge and really, I'm not, but all these holidays are so overly commercialised, it makes me not want to have anything to do with them! :)

Just Ramblin' said...

While my children were growing up they would always find a small $1.00 box of chocolates on their chair when they came to dinner. Now my children carry on that tradition with their families. This year I am having a Valentines Party on Saturday for everyone, but mainly activities for the grandchildren. Found some great prizes at the dollar store Saturday. We always make cookies, decorate them and share with friends. You have my curiosity going. Can't wait to hear about your special surprise. I love the baby shower idea with freezer meals. I'm sure they will be a great blessing to your daughter and her family. Nola

Saimi said...

My husband and I enjoy a couples massage. Where we go they have a room with two massage tables. The lights are dim, the music plays softly and we each have our own massage therapist. It's so romantic and relaxing. Then we go home and order pizza and watch a movie together...It's really an awesome experience.

Congratulations on 37 years together we are going on 25.

I love the freezer meal shower what an excellent idea!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, thanks for your sweet comments at my blog, I always enjoy your visits. I can't wait to hear what kind of surprise you have in store for your that sounds intriguing! We usually just go out to eat and most years hubby brings me flowers. However, he's "on call" this year and we won't get to go out until the weekend. That's okay! I'll send cards and e-cards to family and friends. And since my hubby has a sweet tooth, I'll get him candy or bake a special treat.

I love that feeling you get when you can feel the changes in the seasons. So far, I haven't felt spring coming but I know it is! Yay! We're not used to having so much snow on the ground for so long. We're all quite ready for spring. Take care! Cheryl

Kimmie said...

Ooooh your Valentines surprise sounds interesting indeed!

Love the baby shower idea!

The WIlloughby Family said...

I hope you are right about spring being on the way. The snow today made me think otherwise...:) I don;t even know this little surprise, hmmmm, now I am curious! You are a such a good wife I am sure it will be great!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh yes, after being married a while, we can "know" certain things. Especially when the other person is kind-of-down about something. But not ready to say so..... A nudge often helps open them up. :-) And it's always helpful to share worries.

I think that shower idea is superb!!!!! Frozen meals for after baby!

Our Valentine's Day plans are kinda-kooky. Or belated, anyway. ,-) Due to health issues, I haven't been able to have our New Years Eve 'Bubbly,' yet! Eeeeeek! So that's what we're planning on doing, for Valentine's Eve. Crack open that nice bottle of very-well-chilled 'bubbly,' and enjoy it. :-)

Hugs and ♥'s...
'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

lesa said...

37 years is a wonderful thing. We are going on 25 next month.

The dinner shower is an awesome idea. I've never heard of that before.

I love the pictures on this post, very relaxing and cute.

Hope you get to do something fun this Friday.

Have a good week!

Julie Harward said...

I love little trips away for the day or 2-3 days with my hubbie..they are better than a vacation! It's not Spring-like here..cold and windy but still hardly any snow! Stay warm :D

Vickie said...

Hey Barb! I know your hubby will be thrilled just to know that you thought of him. I'm planning on doing something - just don't know what yet! We're going on 33 years in July. I love road trips, too. My husband will spill his guts (so to speak ;) ) on road trips and we just have the absolute BEST time just visiting! We get so caught up in family and jobs and church and stuff here at home that we don't have time for each other!

GReat idea for your daughter's shower! We'll have to use that idea around here with some of our young ladies at church. Thanks for that tip!

HAve a wonderful week and a fun and romantic Valentines! Vickie

Simply Heart And Home said...

I'm on pins and needles but will patiently wait for your surprise!

I love that dinner idea for a baby shower. I am sure they will appreciate all those lovely dinners when the time comes!

Little Miss Matilda Bear sends her regards.


Shug said...

I enjoyed a wonderful surprise from you today. Thank you for stopping by.
I love how you are thinking of something very special to do for your husband....The day trip sounds like a fun thing to do.

What a great ideal for a baby shower. I know your daughter will appreciate this great outpouring of love.
Can't wait to stop by tomorrow!
Warm Blessings,

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
I can't wait to hear about your surprise. My husband and I are thinking of taking a day trip for Valentine's Day too! We like to hold hands while we drive. I hope that you have nice weather for your trip. :)

The baby shower idea is wonderful! I'm sure your daughter will be thankful to have ready made meals handy once the baby is born.

I haven't found a crochet pattern that I like yet. I would appreciate if you could send me the one you mentioned in your long as it is very easy. :) Thank you.

Enjoy a great evening!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...