Thursday, October 21, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY October 21, 2010

Outside my window... The sky is the perfect color of blue, there is a slight breeze, just enough to make the leaves on the trees fall softly to the ground every now and then.  What a beautiful day!

I am thinking... How I should be outside, in that beautiful, perfect weather picking my tomatoes.  I have been really sick for the last week, and I really just don't feel like going outside . . . . sigh . . .   :0(

I am thankful for... A wonderful, understanding husband.  He works so hard, day in and day out, very seldom taking a vacation, making sure that I am happy and content.  I don't think I tell him often enough how much he is loved!

From the learning rooms... In the last week I have learned that my dog responds to just my lips moving!  I have a terrible cold and lost my voice for about two days.  It didn't  matter to the dog, I could just tell him to "sit down", with no noise coming out and he would do it!  My dog can read lips!!  You are a good dog Cole!

From the kitchen... Nothing from my poor kitchen!

I am wearing... Gray sweats, and an orange t-shirt.

I am creating... I think I just need to delete this one . . . what do you think?

I am going... To a funeral on Saturday.  Two of my cousins passed away this week.  Richard Sharp, was only 60 years old.  He was killed in a car accident on Tuesday morning - a potato truck ran a stop sign and hit him,  very sad.  He left behind a wife, 5 children, 18 grandchildren, his mother, a sister and 2 brothers.  He was  good man.  Another cousin passed away this morning, same side of the family.  Elaine Yospe, was, I believe, about 86 years old.  She was my father's 1st cousin.  She was a wonderful woman, I sure did love her.  Their family had a cabin right up the hill from our family's cabin when we were growing up, so we made lots of wonderful memories that will never be forgotten.  She will be greatly missed.

I am reading... Drowning RuthIt's an Oprah Book Club book and an interesting one at that!!

I am hoping... That I can get over this sickness streak that I have had.  I have one of those weak immune systems.  The minute I get upset . . . I get sick!

I am hearing... Rod Stewart singing, "I'll Be Seeing You" . . . I think I'm going to cry, I love that song.

Around the house...
Oh, I have been so terribly lazy!

One of my favorite things... Apple crisp, with vanilla ice cream and homemade caramel topping.  Oh, dang it!!  I forgot I'm on  diet . . . in that case -  fresh apples, cut up, sprinkled with cinnamon!!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Babysit in the morning - Jessica and Ben are going to an appointment to find out if they are having a girl or a boy!!
Funeral on Saturday
Church on Sunday

Here are pictures and a thought I am sharing...

Last week I went and watched Emily and Brody take swimming lesson.  They were so cute, standing in line with their arms folded, being so obedient!

The water was cold that day and Brody wanted me to get him out of the water - he was very hard to resist!!
The cold didn't bother Emily - she was all smiles!!

Brody taking a dive - bottoms up!

Emily showing us that angels really can fly!

They passed!!  Caleb didn't take lessons, but who can resist a cute boy wanting his picture taken?

"While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about."

~Angela Schwindt~


Go here to find other wonderful daybooks, or better yet, post one!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,

Another great post...they always warm my heart! Your grands are so adorable.

I'm so sorry to hear you've been under the weather! Hope you feel much better soon! I've been taking some garlic tablets lately after the two viruses I had earlier this year. Hope they help as I used to think they did...don't know why I quit taking them. Do you take vitamins?

Sorry to hear about your cousins. You have had a lot to deal with's hoping better days are ahead for you!

Cheryl (who also wishes we lived closer so we could paint...sounds like fun!)

Kimmie said...

Hi Barb

Hope the dreaded lurgy leaves you sooner rather than later~!


Thinking of you.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Aren't little ones cute, the way they thrust their little tummies out? :-))))

Stop this getting sick! Or stop getting upset! Or both! Enough of this upset-sick syndrome! 'Auntie' sezzzzzzzzzz... Hugs...

Btw, I DO have to have my root canal done AGAIN, today. Fri. Which is the Full Blood/Hunter's Moon! Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Your grandchildren are darling. The photos of them brought me back to when mine were that little. One of them was visiting me today. She helped me plant my herbs. We planted bulbs under them and I forgot to tell her the pointed end goes up so who knows if they will come up. lol. Linda

Just Ramblin' said...

So sorry to hear of the passing of your cousins. It is always hard to say goodbye to those we care about regardless of age. And it sounds like you haven't been doing too good. Hope you will soon be feeling better. Apple crisp is also one of my fall favorites. Why is it that apples and pumpkin just taste better in the fall? Funny how certain foods seem to be seasonal when really you can eat them all year long.
Loved the pictures of your sweet little grandchildren at their swimming lessons. They looked like they were having a great time.
Take care of yourself. Nola

LeAnn said...

Barb, I sure hope that by now you are feeling better. I miss you and your blogging. Today as I have been reading blogs it seems like everyone has scattered up some memories in the past. Maybe it's the season. The slow changing from fall to winter. There's just a restless feeling in my soul today.
I am sorry about the two loved ones you lost this week. My thoughts are with you. We just attended the funeral of my Sister in laws mother; whom we knew fairly well. She was such a character and will be greatly missed.
On the other hand I am very excited for your new baby boy that is coming. How fun is that; I will be excited for you. Of course, your pictures of the grandchildren are priceless.
Blessings and hugs to you today and I do hope you are feeling better. LeAnn

Janean said...

barb, hope you feel all better soon.

those sweeties taking their swimming lessons just put a smile on their innocent faces.


"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...