Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thoughtful Spot Sunday . . .

Today, I am getting ready to go to go and stay with three of my grandchildren while their parent's are away on a business trip.  Tomorrow is their first day of school.  So, I guess I am  the lucky one who gets to be there to get them up and make sure that they are all ready for their first day of school!  I can't wait to take a picture with them all dressed in their fresh clothes, and backpacks, smelling of new crayons and tablets!  I can hardly wait!  It's been a long time since I sent my own children off to school, I hope I remember how?!  I can't wait to hear them bursting through the front door anxious to tell me about their day.  Averi rides the bus, and she is so excited!  She is always so happy if grandma is there waiting when she gets home, so this will be an extra special treat for her! 

As I was contemplating all of this -  I thought, what an awesome responsibility teachers have.  Whether we teach our children at home, or send them to public school to be taught, we, as "teachers",  have a huge responsibility to instill in our our children a love of learning and a responsibility to help them learn all that they can.    David A. Bednar said:

"Understanding who we are, where we came from, and why we are on the earth places upon each of us a great responsibility both to learn how to learn and to learn to love learning."

"Secular knowledge,  has for us eternal significance.  We believe that God, our Heavenly Father, wants us to live the life that He does. All we can learn that is true while we are in this life will rise with us in the Resurrection. And all that we can learn will enhance our capacity to serve. That is a destiny reserved not alone for the brilliant, those who learn the most quickly, or those who enter the most respected professions. It will be given to those who are humbly good, who love God, and who serve Him with all their capacities, however limited those capacities are—as are all our capacities, compared with the capacities of God."

 ~Henry B. Eyring~

I pray that you will feel a debt of gratitude to the Master Teacher, our Savior Jesus Christ, as you send your children off  to school, or as you sit with them at your kitchen table to study and learn today.   I pray that you will sense the great service that a loving Heavenly Father expects you to give to His children and that you will see the opportunities to learn all that He has prepared for you. 

Gentle Hugs,


Rhonda said...

How exciting to be a part of their first day. Beautiful post Barb!

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
I love reading your blog, because it always blesses me! A lovely post.

How wonderful to part of your grandchildren's first day of school...have fun! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,

Have fun with the kids, I know that they are excited that G'ma is coming! I hope you get lots of pictures to share!


Beth at Aunties said...

Beautifully written and your thoughts are so true. You seem to write what I feel.
Enjoy a fabulous week cherishing each moment with your little ones. I really believe Heavenly Father is sending His choicest little spirits to come right now.
I too love their first comments coming in from school and hearing how it went all decked out in their new outfits and big smiles.
We just spent the weekend with 18 of our precious children and grands at bear lake. I LOVED having them under one roof again.
Maybe next year we all can be together!
Again enjoy a wonderful week for of hugs and tender times. ~♥

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I hope you have a lovely time, with your Grands and opening of school.

But my Dear, you are still getting over a bout of .... you know. :-) Are you sure you're ready to bounce into this? Well, you know yourself. And will take your meds, as you should.

Gentle hugs...

Susan,Susie, Katie,Sue said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your encouraging words. I hope you can give me helpful hints in the blogger world. Looking forward to building relationships and sharing ideas and encouraging each other.

Sue said...

Hi Barb,
How blessed I was by reading this today, What a joy to be able to be with your grandchildren on their first day back at school. Enjoy and savor every momentYour thoughts today are so inspiring, and what a challenge to parent everywhere.

Packrat said...

Hope your days with your grandchildren were wonderful.

Beautiful thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

Vickie said...

Hello Barb! I hope you had an absolutely wonderful time with your grandkids! I'm still waiting for that picture of your grands all dressed and ready for school!

Perhaps I'll get to do that one day - now that as of Sunday evening, my middle son announced that he and his girlfriend are engaged!

Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog - we've enjoyed the re-doing of the farmhouse SO much, and it's so thrilling to know that others like it, too!

I hope you have a wonderful week! take care! and a big hug back atcha!


"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...