Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY ~ August 17, 2010 

Outside my window... Blue sky, breezy, warm, lots of grain dust, but a very nice Indian Summer afternoon.

I am thinking... That I get as antsy about Fall cleaning as I do Spring cleaning. I have been in one of those moods where I just want to clean every nook and cranny - I've gone through all of my music, which is no easy task - I'm a music junkie! I have a whole box to give away, and threw away just as many. I felt really guilty, but most were cassette tapes. I remember when I felt bad about getting rid of eight-track tapes, can anyone remember those?! I think they are probably antiques now!!

I am thankful for... Friendship. I don't have a lot of close friends who I talk with on a regular basis, but the true friends I have, are priceless to me.  A wonderful friend called me tonight.  She is from Missouri, and is visiting her parents here in Idaho.  She wanted to know if we could get together - just for a little while, just to catch up on family and kids.  I of course can't wait to see her!!!! 

A scripture I'm sharing... 

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.    ~1 John 4:10

From the kitchen... Going out tonight!  TGI Fridays, pecan-crusted chicken salad - YUMMO! I could only eat half of the chicken, but it was still delicious!

I am wearing... White capris and a fuchsia shirt. No shoes right now, cause I painted my toenails!

I am creating... Still not creating - but I am thinking of so many things I could, should, and want to be creating! My kitchen is waiting to be painted - so is my computer room. The bathroom in the basement needs to be finished, and I have fabric just crying out my name!! This all sounds like work but I call it "creating ambiance" !

I am going... To go with my husband tonight so he can buy a new pair of boots. Apparently, his boots don't have enough leather on them . . . anyway that's what they tell him at work :0}

I am reading... I'm still reading the same book I have been reading for weeks! It's actually a very big fat book, and, I usually only read in the evening, before I go to bed.

I am hoping... That my tomatoes get ripe! The plants are huge and covered with tomatoes but they are still green. I have to remember that we are at least two weeks behind in our growing season, but I'm getting impatient for a nice ripe tomato!  My husband is going to give them a hair-cut tomorrow night, they are looking pretty shaggy - that will force them to turn red.  My husband is the one with the green thumb, not me!

I am hearing... Conway Twitting singing, "I don't know a thing about Love." Yes, I love country music, especially old country music.

Around the house... Refer to - "I am thinking" and "I am Creating"!

One of my favorite things... Crawling into bed at night with nice clean sheets!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

It''s my beautiful daughter's birthday on the 19th of August - Happy Birthday Amber!!  I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled day, with lots of hugs and smiles!  I'm also hoping to get to see her for a few minutes - she's a busy girl!!

 Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

 "Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You're closer to God's heart in a garden than any place else on earth."  
~Dorothy Frances Gurney
 Hugs and Love,

Go to this link and find other daybook!  And please, thank Peggy for hosting while you are there :0)     http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/


Kimmie said...

Always love a lil glimpse into your life Barb. Your daughter is stunning...just like her mum :]

Nothing quite like a homegrown tomato, so much nicer than store bought.



Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,

I always love coming here and reading your blog, you write so beautifully. Here it is time for me to get to sleep and I haven't done a thing to my own blog! I've enjoyed reading others so much tonight...after I've pressed some clothes for my son who came by and is spending the night...he has a job in St Louis tomorrow morning. Reading blogs or a book is my way to unwind.

I went over to Kimmie's blog and got caught up reading some of her posts and signed up to be a follower there. I'm a follower of your blog, but when I signed up I wasn't looking too closely and clicked on the private as opposed to public. But I do get your updates!

I better get to bed, I'm probably not making sense any more...:) Gettin' a little bleary eyed here.

Enjoy your visit with your Missouri friend and remember you now have 2 friends from MO!


Rhonda said...

Hi Barb,

I love seeing a glimpse into your day. Your gardens are gorgeous. I never finished my spring cleaning...I really need to find the time and energy to clean this weekend!! Have a great hump day!

amber and james said...

Hi Mom! Thank you for the Happy Birthday! I love seeing a glimpse into your life too, even though I talk you at least once a day! I learn more about you from this blog! BTW...I BLOGGED!!!!!! Go check it out, you will appreciate the man v. women version of my story! : )
Love you!

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
I enjoyed reading your daybook! Happy Birthday to your daughter!! She is very pretty.

I hope you will get some tomatoes soon...your garden is beautiful! I love the quote you used.

Have a wonderful day! :)

Beth at Aunties said...

I hope you enjoyed you wonderfully sounding salad!
Your daughter is beautiful and I think she looks a lot like her mom. I hope her birthday is a Happy one.
My mom has a great recipe for Green Tomato Jam! Just saying being an Idaho girl myself.:) My grands actually love it.

I hope you enjoyed every cherished moment of catching up with your friend. There is nothing like a good visit with an old friend of the heart, especially if it is full of laughter.

The Stewart said...

Wow! Your tomatoes are doing awesome!! Our plants are huge but we only have 2 tomatoes on them. Hopefully we will get more!! Love you!

Just Ramblin' said...

Great blog as usual Barb. Your daughter is beautiful and I hope she had a wonderful birthday. Can't believe your tomato plants! I hope it won't be long before you are enjoying them. Mine are beginning to turn and I can hardly wait for a bacon and tomato sandwich. Never knew you could trim the plants and they'd ripen more quickly. May have to try that. Hope you had a wonderful visit with your friend. Nothing like being with a old and dear friend. Good for you for getting rid of your cassettes. I still have a lot, but did finally part with the 8-track tapes. Does that date me? Have a great day. Nola

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Happy Birthday to your lovely Daughter!

Of course she is beautiful! Like her Mama!

If you are enjoying your nice thick book, then it matters not, how long it takes you to finish it! :-)

Then again, I still have to finish a "Only 2 weeks loan" book from the library. Naturally, can't renew it, because someone else wants it. ,-) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Now there is Presssssure! -giggles- Especially when I also have 7 or 8 other books waiting to be picked up by me, at the library. Eeeeeeeeeek! :-)

Oh good luck with your green tomatoes! I remember a summer like that. We had oooodles of them, in 3 pots. And they'd rot, on the vine, before being ready to pick. -pout-

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oooops! I commented... "...finish a "Only 2 weeks loan..." I'm so OC about my writing, that I had to say that I noticed that "a", which should have been an "an."

Sad, hu??????


But I suppose some long-ago English Grammar teacher would be happy. ,-)

Unknown said...

I have a bunch of old cassett tapes also and I also feel guilty about just throwing them out. Thanks for the encouragement. I never listen to them and they should go. My veggie garden didn't do much this year, not enough heat I guess. Your dd is beautiful, Happy Birthday to her. Linda

Sue said...

Hi Barb, Loved your Daybook entry, seems like you have been as busy as I have. I am just coming off of a long break and am so glad to be visiting. Please wish your daughter a belated but happy birthday wish from me. I to get excited about fall cleaning which I must soon start.

LeAnn said...

As usual you make me smile when I read your Daybook entries. I too am thinking it is about time to start on fall cleaning. The only sad thing is I don't remember having much of a summer. It was kind of a hard one this year.
Anyway, I am so happy to have you as a friend and of course we love our daughter Amber and those cute little grandchildren. We had son much fun with them all over the family get together.
Hugs and love to you! LeAnn

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...