Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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FOR TODAY  June 30, 2010

Outside my window...  It's partly cloudy, the sun is playing hide and seek with us!  Not too hot, but a little muggy.  We had a big thunder storm last night with lots of rain, it felt nice because yesterday was very hot!

I am thinking... How happy I will be to get my hair cut!!  I have always worn my hair short and kind of spiky in the back.  But, the last 6 or 8 months I have been growing it out a little.  BAD idea!  I can't wait to get it shorter and back in control :0)

I am thankful for... My family as always.  Yesterday, I had a luncheon at my house, it was so much fun.  I invited, my mother, an aunt, who traveled here for a funeral, another aunt, who lives here and my sister.  It was so wonderful to see my mother and her two sisters together - mother is the oldest, and more like a mother to her sisters.  I treasure those times that I get to spend with them, we had a great time catching up.  It was my sisters birthday on the 26th, so we had cake and ice cream to celebrate her special day.

Words I am pondering on...  
"I enjoy doing housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dishwashing. Whenever I get one of those questionaires and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It's an admirable profession, why apologize for it. You aren't stupid because you're a housewife. When you're stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare."
~Tasha Tudor~

From the kitchen... Not sure what is going to come out of my kitchen today!  I might make pizza with whole wheat crust and veggie topping with very little cheese (doesn't sound too appealing does it?)   Between my gallbladder bothering me and my diet new way of eating, I have had a hard time trying to figure out what to eat these days!

I am wearing... Jeans and a pink t-shirt,  shoes will come later.

I am creating... I have decided to start making a picture journal - I will post more about  it later . . . I can't wait to get started on it!

I am going... To go get my hair cut today at 4:30.  Now, I just have to figure out how I want it.  Have you ever noticed the books you look at with hairstyles in them,the models all wear the strangest styles - I mean really, I never see anyone walking around with their hair sticking straight out to the side of their head, really?  Even if it's a cute style, the picture shows it styled in the  strangest way - so you can't even tell what it really looks like - I think I'm getting too old for those books.  Remember the Golden Girls?  They had one show that they all went to a famous hairdresser to have their hair done, and the hairdresser told them that they would all look beautiful and unique!  When they were done, they all had the exact same hair style, only a different color :0)  That's what I am so afraid of . . . I don't like looking like other people - I like looking like me.

I am reading...The Wednesday Letters, by Jason F. Wright.  It's an interesting read.  Kind of sad in some places but interesting and fun in other parts.  Makes you think about your life.  It's been a fun book.

I am hoping...That my husband will take the day off tomorrow - I really do love to spend time with him.  Also hoping that my kids will be able to spend Saturday with us to celebrate the 4th of July.  We always have such a good time, I'm very fortunate to have them all close enough that we can get together without too much planning. 

I am hearing... The birds singing, soft music on my computer and the clicking of my computer keys.

Around the house... Well, I should be doing more than what I am doing, but . . . it's one of those lazy days.  I am finding pleasure this morning just blogging and thinking about the things I should be doing - I'll get there, eventually.  I still need to make my bed and fold a batch of laundry.  Of course I could vacuum the family room, finish up my ironing, do some mending, cut out a pattern or ten,  scrub and kitchen floor, clean the toilets, sweep out the garage, learn to knit and re-organize my genealogy, but that might be overkill on a day like today, don't you agree?

One of my favorite things... Icy cold limeade with ginger in it!

A few plans for the rest of the week

Haircut today at 4:30!
Plan my menu and get groceries tomorrow.
Weigh in on Friday.
Saturday - celebrate with my family!
Sunday, church.
Monday - try to finish up all those "honey do's" with my husband.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time
~John Lubbock~



Just Ramblin' said...

How fun to be with your mother and her sister's. I feel a little jealous! Makes me miss the times I shared with mother and my sister. Don't you love Tasha Tudor? Between my sister and me I think we have every book she has illustrated, written, or whatever. Such an amazing woman! Will be anxious to hear about your photo journal and what hair style you decided upon. Enjoyed reading your daybook! Nola

Unknown said...

I always find you day book posts interesting. I love the quote by Tasha. My hair is such a disaster I don't even want to think about it. Goat cheese or feta are both really good on a veggie pizza if you like them or a Capric with fresh tomato, fresh mozzarela and fresh basil. I can't wait to see the journal. Nothing is better than a day off to ponder and blog. Linda

Kimmie said...


The Stewart said...

Love that qoute about housewives! So true! I always love reading these! You do such a good job! If I don't see you, Happy Independence Day!

LeAnn said...

Hi Barb:
I always love reading your day thoughts. I read Wednesday's Letters and it had some thoughts to ponder on.
I hope you post a picture of your new hair cut. I need a change too; but I don't have a clue what.
I loved your thoughts on being with your Mother and Aunts; enjoy every moment. I continue to enjoy visiting my Aunt Della who lives in Bountiful. My other Aunt lives in Richfield, so I don't get to see her very often.
We are off again tomorrow to Las Vegas to be with my very ill brother. I will update in a post.
Have fun over the weekend with my grandchildren; give them hugs and loves from me.
Love to you! LeAnn

Simply Heart And Home said...


I hope your haircut went well. I like to look at those books at the salon but it seems the stylist always cuts it shorter than I'd like. Maybe a need a longer picture? :)

Have a lovely evening!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,
You always have such wonderful posts! I loved the quote of Tasha Tudor's, thanks for sharing. She was such an amazing multi-talented lady! Love her books.

Hope you are enjoying your new haircut. I sure do need to get mine cut seems to grow so fast and I like to keep it fairly short. I agree that the hairstyle books show some really weird looking styles. I just wear the same old style most of the's "me".


Beth at Aunties said...

Happy Haircut! Mine has thinned so much lately I feel like I need some extensions. Oh, if only I could spike it up! :) I guess too much bleaching, hairpieces during my prime makes be long for my thicker hair back.
You pizza sounds alot like the one I posted, with a bit of red pepper it turns out yummy. I really need to join on a diet. You encourage me.
I hope you enjoyed your visit with your aunts and mom. My mom is the oldest of 5 and she and her baby brother are all who are left. She and we miss her sisters.
I too liked the quote by Tasha Tudor, being a homemaker for 39 years.
Enjoy happy 4th. We too shall spend it in beautiful Idaho. The picture is so beautiful~pastoral.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...