Monday, March 1, 2010

Simple Woman Daybook . . .


Outside my window...  It's gray, no sun in sight!  it's not really very cold, but very gloomy - hurry up Spring!

I am thinking...  That I need to get a lot of work done today - it's going to be a busy week.

I am thankful for...  For a husband who works hard - he gets up every morning at 4:30 a.m. and doesn't get home until almost 7:00 p.m. - retirement can't come soon enough for us!

From the kitchen...  I think I will try to make some whole wheat sourdough bread and maybe a meatloaf for dinner.  I'm still working on losing weight, (it will be a lifetime battle) so I have to be careful.

I am wearing...  blue jeans and a striped blue shirt - of course my feet are bare, I hate shoes.

I am creating... a little bunny made of two gloves.  My sweet little Emily really wanted one - they are very cute, I'll post a picture when I am finished.  I am also going to make a puppy for Caleb

I am going... to go to DUP (Daughters of Utah Pioneers) at 1:00.  It is an organization for any woman who had an ancestor came to the Utah Valley before the completion of the railroad, May 10, 1869.  Most of my ancestor's were pioneers, they came from England and Sweden to the United States and then to the Utah valley by handcart or foot.   I feel very privileged to be a member of this group, what an honor it is to meet each month and celebrate the lives of those who were so very committed to their beliefs.

I am reading...  Still reading Louis La'mour. 

I am hoping...  That I will be able to spend some time with my mother and sister this week - I was sick last week and had the septic tank issue, so I did not get to have lunch with my sister!  So hopefully, this week!

I am hearing...  Seals and Crofts singing "Hummingbird".

Around the house...  it is quiet,  hopefully I will be hearing the sound of me on the end of the vacuum cleaner soon! 

One of my favorite things...  is my jar of buttons!  Last night I was looking through them trying to find appropriate eyes for Emily's bunny.  It brought back memories of when I was a little girl and my grandmother would let us empty her button box - what a wondrous and exciting thing to get to do!  We didn't have so many other things to keep our attention and the button box was just like pirate's treasure box!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  One of my daughters and I are going to make a menu together - we are both dieting and  it's always fun to get ideas from each other and plan together!  Then, we are going grocery shopping - we both need tons of encouragement!! 

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

A few years ago we were elk hunting and I took this picture of the Grand Tetons, at sunrise.  I like to hunt with a camera these days!

Morning is a gift from God which comes with a tag that says ‘YOU ARE LUCKY TO WAKE UP AND WITNESS THE RISING SUN – SO VALUE IT. ‘ An opportunity to begin life on a fresh note. A journey to wipe off dark corners from our lives by lighting candles of hope and faith. Yesterday might have given you reasons to loose but today, you ought to build up 100 reasons to win and rise up.
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!  



Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

The septic tank issue is behind you! Yeaaaaaaaa!

I like to go barefoot too, but can't in Winter. My feet get too cold. I even have to use my big sleep socks for at least part of the night. Just think about that, you who like bare feet. ,-)

Barb said...

Aunt Amelia - Yes, I do like to wiggle my toes! It's a bad thing when it's cold out - but I do it every chance I get. Thanks for stopping!

Packrat said...

Loved this. Sorry it is gloomy your way. The sun is out, and it is glorious!

I like to go to barefoot, too, but I'm forever stepping on or into something.

We need to compare family history when you have time.

Karen Beth said...

I love that we might get to see each other this week. How does tomorrow look? I am glad the week looks better for you. I hope DUP was great. It always is. Love you.

Vickie said...

Hey Barb and fellow barefoot friend! Me, too - I'd go barefoot all year if I could. When we have people over, my husband asks me to please go put some shoes on... My heels are very crackly, tho.

DUP sounds very interesting and I know you are proud to be a member of that. It's always good to belong to something, and that sounds like an excellent and enviable heritage to be a part of! Have a great week and great lunch with your sister! Wish my sis was closer!

Barb said...

Cindy - wouldn't you know it, the sun is shining now and it's absolutely beautiful outside!! Almost 50 degrees! We should compare notes, if you have family that came across the plains - you never know, it's sure a small world! Thanks for stopping, ans watch what you step in! Hugs!

Karen - Thanks for stopping, I'll call you later. Love you.

Vickie - So nice to see your sweet face! I really hate shoes - my heels look terrible so I know what you mean! DUP is very interesting, mostly old ladies (haha, like I'm not), but so much history to glean from. I'm so lucky to have my sister close - it hasn't always been that way though, so I love it! Hugs to you!

Kimmie said...

Oooh luv a jar of buttons - especially vintage ones :]

Squishy hugs to you Barb~!

Barb said...

Kimmie - Good to see you! I love buttons too, I have some that are vintage, they are very pretty! Hugs right back to you!

We've been Busy. . .

Hello!  How many of you celebrate, May Day?!  I can remember making May Day baskets in grade school, but I'm pretty sure it's someth...