Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lazy Day. . .

It has been one of those blustery, cloudy, sunny, rainy, kind of cool, blue sky kind of lazy day for me.   I did go to the doctor this morning, the pain in my back and side is just persistent.   He suspects gallbladder (I was afraid of that), so tomorrow morning, I'm going in for an ultra-sound.  If it is gallbladder, I will more than likely have to have it removed.  It's an easy surgery, so I'm not worried about it - I just really want to feel better . . . enough whining :-)

Both of my son-in-laws have birthdays within 4 days of each other,  so we are having a fun birthday dinner this week-end for both of them. I hope the weather is nice so we can do some yummy Dutch oven cooking.   Happy birthday today James!

Thought I would share a few pictures of my flower pots - they are just barely starting to bloom, and I think they are so pretty.   Taylor Jo, my sweet granddaughter helped me plant one of them yesterday - she's a great gardener!

This is a big pot of herbs!  Lemon balm, mint, thyme, golden oregano, and trailing rosemary.  Don't you just love to cook with fresh herbs?

I love this Variegated Alysum, I put it in almost every pot!

I love a daisy, any variety will do!

The last of my Lilacs :-(

Have a very blessed Friday!



Rhonda said...

Love your pot of herbs and your flowers! I've had stomach, side pains today and thought of you. Hope you get the answer tomorrow. Hugs!

Sue said...

Birthday wishes to you sons-in-law, Barb, may you all have a wonderful celebration this weekend. I do indeed enjoy herbs, and yours look great as well as your flowers. Glad to see you are getting a somewhat break in the weather.Thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Sue

Sue said...

I almost forgot. I love your new blog design. Sue

Packrat said...

Such pretty flowers and herbs! Also love the new background.

We're about to wash away here. I'm thinking some of my plants that did get set out aren't going to make it. About 2 weeks ago, saw the Devils from across the Prairie (between storms), and they were still completely covered in snow (which came in March and April). Now we've had so much rain that the snow is coming off too fast. County has been declared a disaster area.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, hope you get an "easy to fix" answer from your doctor and that the pain goes away.

I really enjoy looking at the flower and herb photos. I must get some herbs and get them planted. I looked at them, but got sidetracked by the flowers and forgot to buy them! It's not that hard for me to get sidetracked..hehe!

Take care of yourself and have a good day!


Debbie J said...

Oh! Your flowers are gorgeous! Good luck with the ultrasound. If its the gall bladder, I think its a routine surgery now, but of course it doesn't seem that way if its you. :o)

The Stewart said...

Love your flowers!! We have mint in our front yard too! Hope everything went well with your doctors appointment! Love you!

The Halls said...

Yuck, I hope that it is an easy fix. I hope you are better soon!!
The flower pots are beautiful! What a fun variety.
Have a great weekend celebrating!
Love, Laura

Unknown said...

Your pots look nice. I love daisies too. I don't have any, maybe I'll have to get some. I have a daisy like flower, not sure what it is maybe an aster. I just love herbs. Enjoy your day. It's grey an overcast here, but I'm going for a walk with my gd's anyway. Linda

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful flowers!

Glad you are zeroing in on a cause for your pain. Oh me oh! It took forever for me to be diagnosed correctly with gall bladder, way back when I had it. Weird pains. On and on... Plus, back then, it was the old way for taking it out... A huge scar is still visible.

But yes, you want them to find out what's causing your pain, and fix it! Soon!!! Soon, soon, soon! :-)

Kimmie said...

So sorry to hear that you are in pain lovely lady. Variegated Alysum was much loved by my nana and I now pot it in her memory. I adore lilac's and YES I DO LOVE to cook with fresh herbs~!

Hugs and love sent your way, hope that you are feeling better soon.


The WIlloughby Family said...

We love you, what more can I say??? I love the flowers I can't wait to see them tomorrow. If only the wind would stop blowing so the poor things can stand up straight.....

Simply Heart And Home said...

Thank you for the welcome home, Barb. It is good to be home. I just posted pictures of Hawaii for everyone to see. :)


PS Your flowers are lovely!

Karen Beth said...

I love your flower pots. They turned out so beautiful. I hope you find out soon about the gallbladder. Let me know. Love you.

Unknown said...

Sorry about the gallstones, but sometimes it's just nice to know what's going on. Then you can deal with it. What about using round flat stones instead of shells as markers. Just a thought. I use the lemon balm in my herb teas and it has a lot of medicinal purposes. Linda

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