Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


Outside my window... The sky is blue, but it's cold and the wind is blowing!  We have high wind warnings today.  Spring, where are you?

I am thinking... That I have not seen my mother and sister for over a week!  Today is the day that we get together, and I am excited to see them!

I am thankful for... My daughters.  They are both such good women with wonderful values.  They are good daughters, mothers, wives, sisters, friends and followers of Christ.  They are so good to me . . . . I really love them and I am so thankful for their friendship.

From the learning rooms...  Aren't we always learning.  I think I learn something new everyday!  Yesterday, my daughters and I went to a funeral for a wonderful gentleman, and I really do mean, gentle man.  He was 93 years old when he passed away, but he had lived a life of hard work and dedication to his family, he was very loved.  At the funeral, I talked to a wonderful friend, who is also in her 90's.  She is almost blind and lives in assisted living, but she has such a zest for life.  She was a school teacher, and  a wonderful one at that.  She told me that a professor of hers once told her, that she should memorize something new everyday, and that if she did, it would put a new wrinkle in her brain.  She still follows that advise.  She said that she reads her scriptures everyday with a huge electric magnifying glass that projects the word onto the T.V. screen - she can only read one word at a time.  She told me that she has gotten more out of her scriptures now, than she ever has and that she memorizes a new scripture everyday.  She has the most amazing skin, hardly a wrinkle!  I wonder if all the wrinkles go from her face to her brain with each thing she memorizes . . . food for thought! 

From the kitchen... I think I will make something simple for supper tonight, maybe breakfast for supper. 

I am wearing... My nightgown, it's cold outside and I feel lazy this morning. 

I am creating... Not really creating anything right now, but thinking about making new curtains for my bedroom and adding something new to the mantle in my living room. 

I am going... To lunch with my mother and sister today . . . that's how I spend my Tuesdays! 

I am reading... I don't really have time to read right now!  It's time for me to concentrate on my son's wedding!  So, I guess I have been reading . . . my address book!

I am hoping... That I can get everything done that I need to in the next two weeks!  My mother sold her home so that she can move into a retirement community.  She needs to be moved out of her home by June 1st.  I want to help her as much as I can . . . so I am hoping that maybe today, we can make a list of things we need to do to get her moved. 

I am hearing... The wind, blowing through my pine trees, or should I say, howling through the pine trees!

Around the house... I need to finish my laundry, vacuum the floors, clean the trailer, water my plants . . . . do you really want to know everything else I need to get done?

One of my favorite things... I just love putting on a freshly ironed blouse - it's one of life's little pleasures for me.  I love the way that it smells and feels, especially if it has been dried on the clothes line!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

I of course need to finish cleaning, that never ends.
I need to mail wedding invitations.
On Friday, I am taking three of my grandchildren overnight . . . fun!
Sunday, Mother's Day, we are having dinner at my daughter's house, always a good time!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

The man whispered “God, speak to me,” and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not listen. So the man yelled, “God speak to me,” and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, “God, let me see you.” And a star shone brightly. But the man did not notice. So the man cried out in despair, “Touch me God, and let me know you are here!” Whereupon God reached down and touched the man. But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
~J. S. Simon~

Silence allows each of us the opportunity to listen. We may not hear God as we wish to hear him, and what he says may not be what we want to hear, but if we are silent, maybe we will hear him speak to us.

Have a very blessed Tuesday!
Many Hugs,

Go here to read other wonderful Daybook!


The Stewart said...

We are having breakfast for dinner too! I love reading this. Love you!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Loved your entry today! I love freshly ironed clothes too and it's so amazing to me today that no one irons or wears clothes that have been ironed. I still iron and guess I always will. All the best with your sons wedding, there's just nothing like these sons. Blessings to you!

Karen Beth said...

Today was so fun. I love our Tuesdays. I am going to start memorizing things so my wrinkles will dissipate. Wouldn't that be great if that was the secret. Please let me know if I can help you. I will do addresses or anything. Love you.

Unknown said...

It was beautiful here this morning, but cold. We had frost this morning. By the afternoon it was raining. My gd was here and we baked and watched a video. It was nice and cozy inside. I hope you had a good time at your lunch. Linda

Sue said...

Hi Barb,
I savored every word of your Daybook. I hope you get spring real soon, it has finally come to stay her and I am glad. I also am so blessed by reading of the special time with your mother and sister, how special is this, I hope you all had a wonderful time.My goodness, I enjoyed everything.And what wonderful daughters you have, we have one and she loves being a wife and mother too. God is so Great. Thank you for sharing your day.
And thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.

Beth at Aunties said...

Barb, How light I feel when I visit you. Even in the midst of doing a wedding you seem to be calm and doing it with ease. A fresh ironed shirt is still one of my simple pleasures too! I wish I lived closer to spend time with my mom each Tuesday...and my sisters! Now that would be a treat. I think you are close to my mom...how fun if you were her new adopted Idaho daughter:) All of 4 of her surviving daughters live in a different state than her.
I am off to memorize something to ward off a wrinkle~♥

jamjar said...

I just found you through beautiful pear tree lane...I really enjoyed your post today...I'll be back!

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

What a lovely post and a great idea! Love it!

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