Saturday, October 12, 2024

The last trip of the season . . .


Hello!  Well, it's been a week since we returned from the last camping trip of the season.  Can I just say that it's been a whirlwind ever since.  

We have been working on the basement laundry/storage room, and I think we're finally... almost done!  And it feels so good!  We weren't quite finished putting in all the shelves and moving everything in in this photo, and the table was for sorting, so it is gone now.  We still have a little more work to do, but just getting the floors painted and moving and cleaning everything back into this room was a huge job.  I still have rugs to put down and some other minor things to do, but it's... Almost done ;0)

Our camping trip was wonderful.  We enjoyed the warm temperatures, it was just beautiful!  We were able to get television reception so we were able to watch, General Conference.  It's two days of uplifting encouragement from religious leaders in my church.  It was wonderful to watch it in this beautiful setting.  I know, it looks very dreary and dry, and it was, but it was also very beautiful.

The first night there my daughter and I went for a walk, and I'm glad we did, because it was such a gorgeous evening!

Indy loves to go camping, she also loves the water, so she was dirty and wet a lot of the time!  But, isn't  she getting big?!  

Here she is after a bath that same night.  The water looked like chocolate milk... yikes!  She looks pretty sad here, but she actually doesn't mind taking a bath.  

Because of a fire ban, the dry weather and all of the fires burning in Idaho, the boys decided to make rock towers instead of building a fire.  The rock towers will be a fun surprise for the next campers!  

We are suppose to have very warm weather until this coming Thursday, and then the temperatures are suppose to drop into the 50's and 60's.  To tell the truth, I'm really looking forward to cooler temps.  

Have a wonderful week friends!  I'm looking forward to catching up on all of my reading and commenting!  See you soon!

Be safe - XOXO
Hugs and Love,


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October is here . . .


October has always been one of my favorite months.  The weather has decided to cool down, and that's just fine with me!  Today the high's will be in the mid 70's, just perfect for the 1st day of October. 

I have so much to do in October and to tell you the truth, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of it right now.  But, I'm trying to take one day at a time, and will definitely make time for pumpkin spice, yummy candles, soups and stews and a few of my favorite Halloween treats and activities.  

Last week, my daughters, my granddaughter, and one of my daughter's sister-in-laws, went to the, Fall Vintage Fair,  It was so much fun!  I never really buy a lot of anything when I go, but I always have a fun time looking through all the booths and getting good ideas

I always visit one of the booths that sells stained glass.  It's such a beautiful spot to visit.  The colored glass in these pieces are vintage crystal dishes... so gorgeous!  One day I want to buy one of these beautiful creations ;0)

Something I really love is - sourdough.  I try to use sourdough as much as I can, because it's easy to digest and I need that!  But, I sometimes run out of ideas on how to use it.  One night I made chicken soup and I wanted dumplings with it.  I used this delicious recipe for sourdough dumplings, and we loved them.  My husband and I both love the flat, more noodle-like dumpling, but I was raised eating the puffy, more biscuity dumplings, we were both raised eating them.  My husband's mother always put sugar in her dumplings, or would even sprinkle sugar on the dumpling before she ate them, but we have never done that.  Do any of you put sugar in or on your dumplings? 

Today is my daughter and her husbands wedding anniversary - 20 years?  I think it's 20 years.  I just adore these two!  The time has gone by so quickly, it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating their union. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!💕

We're going camping this week-end - our last trip of the season.  We're going with Jess and Ben and their family.  It's always fun, lots of laughs, and always sad when we have to come home.

The last September sunset was just beautiful!  I was in the house and noticed that everything seemed to be changing color.  And this is why . . . 

This gorgeous sunset looked like fire in the sky, literally!  A friend sent me this photo that she took at her home about 12 miles away. . . so gorgeous!!

We stood at the edge of the forest,
The friend of my heart and I,
Where the sunset glow of the dogwood
Met the sunset glow of the sky.
The breath of the coming winter
Came down from the pine-clad hill;
Its shadow crept over the landscape
And over our hearts its chill.
~Edith Palmer~

Lastly, my heart goes out to all my friends in the states hit by, Helene.  It is just heart wrenching!  Please keep them in your prayers.  My heart just brakes for them.  I sincerely pray that the people there will be blessed with peace and safety as they move forward and try to put their lives back together. 

Until next time . . . Be safe XOXOX

Hugs and Love,


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Finally Fall . . .

(Thank you, Pinterest)

Well, it's officially fall!  And because it was a nice day, and I didn't have anything better to do ;0)  I convinced my husband to take me to the hills.  And I was not disappointed. . .

This is a little log cabin that is on it's last leg. . . It's falling down and soon, it will be gone forever.  It's been here as long as I can remember, most likely built by a homesteader in the late 1800's.  I wish I knew more about it, I would love to know it's history.  

The mahogany's are always the first to turn colors.  Because of the smoke they look a little muted, but they were still so beautiful!

It was very smoky, especially in the mountains, but still gorgeous!  The colors are just starting to change, so It looks like I will be making another trip in the next few weeks.  I can't wait!

Happy Fall!!  

Hugs and Love,


The last trip of the season . . .

  Hello!  Well, it's been a week since we returned from the last camping trip of the season.  Can I just say that it's been a whirlw...