Friday, February 12, 2016

A Busy Week . . .

Oh my goodness, I have had a busy week!  I have been meaning to post something all week, and just have not gotten around to it.  The days just seemed to go by so quickly, and by the time I think about it, I'm almost asleep!

Last week, we went shooting with some friends.  It was beautiful in the desert!  The snow was deep, and it was very cold, but it was gorgeous!  We started a fire, and roasted hot dogs, and had ourselves a picnic in the snow!

You can see how deep the snow is around our little fire!  As it burned,  it melted the snow and we were able to put chairs around the fire and get warm . . .brrrr!

We went with Mike and Peg, their son and cute little grand.  She really loved the snow, and wanted to build a snowman, but it was just not the right kind of snow to stick together!

So, her grandpa took her for a ride on the sleigh, and the snowman was forgotten 
. . . at least for that day!

The snow was deep, and my biggest fear was that we would get stuck. . . but my husband is a good driver, and we have 4-wheel drive, thank goodness!  When I was younger, the deep snow and slick roads didn't bother me too much.  But, as I have gotten older, they terrify me!  I still drive on them, but only when I have to.

It was a fun day - any day spent with friends and people we love is a wonderful day!

When we left that afternoon, the sun was setting and it was  just gorgeous!  I love to end my day looking at a beautiful sunset!

"When I admire the wonder of  a sunset, or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator."
~Mahatma Gandhi~



Billie Jo said...

Oh my Barb!
What beautiful captures of a wonderful day!!!
And...I am so glad you all enjoyed my MIL's lasagna!
Have a happy Valentine's Day!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a nice winter family outing. I love the sunset picture. Have a good weekend!

Vee said...

Anyone who gets out and does things in winter has my admiration. Looks mighty cold and fun all rolled into one.

LeAnn said...

Those photos are spectacular. I might steal some, I love your adventure with friends. Way to cold for me. It did bring back a deer hunt many years ago in snow about that deep. Sending warm hugs and love your way dear friend.

Brenda said...

Brrr! Glad you had a nice time. How fun to be able to roast hot dogs in the middle of a pile of snow.

Marsha said...

Now, how fun would that be....really! It looked cold but something definitely doable for such a fun outing. Summer, winter, spring, or fall, outdoor fires are always fun!

We've been Busy. . .

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