Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Paper Roses . . .

The other day, I was looking for a fun craft to cheer up one of my daughters.  I had seen a fun tutorial for a cute wreath made with an old book and a Styrofoam wreath on, Living with Lindsay at:

So, I decided that I would go down and we would make this cute wreath for her house, and it would be really easy and fun and make her happy.   It looked so easy, all you needed was a 10" Styrofoam wreath, an old book and a glue gun.  Easy enough, right?  Well, she lives in a small town not far from me, they  have a Walmart (not my favorite store), so I thought it would be easy to find a the things we needed.  I already had the glue gun and glue sticks, so we just needed the wreath and an old book. Do you think we could find a Styrofoam wreath at Walmart or anywhere else in the city - NO!  So, after searching for an hour, we ended up going to a thrift store and buying an old grapevine wreath and two old paperback books - worked out great!  The wreath turned out so pretty!  I didn't take a picture of her wreath, but I made mine last night and this is what it looks like.  Hers looked very similar and the grapevine wreath worked out great.  Just a hint - the older and more discolored the book, the better.

I thought they turned out so cute - they remind me of paper roses.  You can make them as full as you like.  Just follow  the tutorial and it is easy.  The only thing I changed was, instead of gluing the paper with the glue gun at the bottom, once you have folded it (It will make more sense after seeing the tutorial) I stapled it, the glue was too hot and took too long to stick.  Stapling was much faster.  Other than that, it was so easy - a little time consuming, but easy. 

The whole project was less than $5.00 - my Styrofoam wreath was $2.00, and the book was .75, I probably used four glue sticks to do my wreath - what a bargain!  I love to craft, but I am cheap frugal, so this was the perfect project for me. 

I think they turned out great - Have a wonderful day!



Packrat said...

How interesting. If I hadn't seen a picture... This turned out really cute!

Barb said...

Packrat - Thanks! That's just what my oldest daughter thought - she just could not imagine what I was talking about, but I think they are cute! Thanks for stopping.

Kimmie said...

Very Shabby Chic and ever so pretty!

The Halls said...

That turned out really pretty. I like cute projects that are not very expensive. Love Laura

Barb said...

Kimmie - Thanks for stopping, I thought it was pretty too.

Laura - It would look cute in blue or pink scrap book paper!!!??? Thanks for stopping by.

The WIlloughby Family said...

I love my wreath! Thank you for cheering me up I love you MOM!!!

Barb said...

Jess - I love you too, I'm glad you are feeling better :O)

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