Saturday, February 6, 2010

How I truly feel . . .

This is one of the most beautiful paragraphs I have ever read.   It was  written by Jewels,  from "eyes of wonder".  She hasn't posted in quite some time, but when she does, her words are astounding.  This beautiful paragraph touched me to my very soul.   I've saved it for a long time and I read it often, I hold these words close to my heart.  This is how I truly feel:

"I hope your day is beautiful.  Hold your children, your husband, those you love and care for, tenderly, close, kiss them and hug them.  Smile often - - a soft, bright, loving, accepting, approving, smile.  Be thankful for those you love, and be sure and express your pleasure with them, to them - - through words, through your touch, so they know what your heart holds, towards them.  Sincerely praise them for even the smallest things that are praiseworthy, and with eyes open wide, take note of, and be thankful for each kindness shown to you.  Life is fleeting, and the only moments we can be entirely sure of, are those that we're presently in, right here, right now.  Let us live our lives deliberately, purposefully, making every one of those precious fleeting moments matter, for now, and for eternity, in our life and in the lives of those we love."  ~Jewels 

I believe and feel these words right down to my bones - love while you can, tell those that you love how you feel, and never forget who you are.  Have a beautiful day.

Hugs and blessings,


Packrat said...

Thank you. Too often I forget. HUGS back to you.

The WIlloughby Family said...

That was precious! I think this is great adivse to all young Moms...we often forget to appreciate our children while they are young, they sure grown up too fast!

Barb said...

Packrat - Never forget to give a hug! (((hugs))) to you!

Jess - You did grow up too fast! Give my babies hugs from grammy. Love you

Kimmie said...

Thank you Barb so much for posting that exquisite verse!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you!!! These are such beautiful words of Wisdom.

And you reminded me of Jewels, whose lovely blog I have not read in a long time.


Barb said...

Kimmie, Thanks for commenting, these are good words to live by, blessings to you.

Aunt - Indeed, words of wisdom, you're pretty wise also. I miss Jewels, her blog is still up, it's good to go back and read some of her work and look at her lovely photography. Thanks for checking in. Blessings to you also.

Barb said...

Clarice - Thanks for stopping by! Yes, Jewels really does have a wonderful, real way about her. She can always put things into perspective for me. I really miss her blog. Blessings to you.

Beth at Aunties said...

Amen! These words too touched my heart and soul and it is so TRUE! She wrote from her hert with a talent only the Lord can give with her beautiful words.

Enjoy a happy Sunday!

Barb said...

Beth - Good to see you! I really appreciate the way that Jewel's could make such sense of things, in such a lovely way. The Lord did bless her with a beautiful talent. Sunday blessings to you.

Deb said...

now that is a great post...

Barb said...

Deb - Thanks for stopping by! Jewel's words are amazing!

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