Friday, October 2, 2009

How many hats do you wear??

Emily wearing grandma's hat

Caleb, he's a cowboy, with Emily's beautiful eyes peeking over!

I've been thinking lately about all the hats women wear. Just think about all of the different jobs that we do on a daily basis - I'll bet you don't have that many hats in your house! Yesterday, just for an example, I probably wore 10 hats or more and I really didn't do much yesterday. Do you think as women we ever give ourselves enough credit? I don't think we should go around tooting our own horn, but I think we need to quit beating ourselves up when we don't always accomplish the many things on our long, long, list of things to do each day.

All of the women I know have a problem with not taking enough time to be kind to themselves. All of the women I know are extremely stressed out because of the many hats that they willing wear each day. For myself, I know that when I am happy and content, I am a much kinder wife, mother, grandma, daughter, sister, neighbor and friend. I think it is so important to take a time-out, just for you, especially if you have small children or if you are a caretaker.

I was going through a drawer today and found this list of things that we can do for ourselves. I'm not even sure where I got it, but it seemed to reach out and grab my attention this morning.

Doing things differently for a change is as good as a rest:
  1. Don’t overly dwell on your failure moments. We all have them. They make us grow stronger. Learn from them to increase your opportunities for success in the future.
  2. Each week, plan a special meal. Set the table with your fine linens, good china, stemware and utensils..
  3. Take a REAL vacation—you know, the old fashion kind where cell phones, emails, wireless connections, etc. are banned!
  4. Pop some popcorn, relax in your favorite chair with your feet up, and watch your favorite TV show or DVD. You can do this by yourself or with your favorite person, big or small.
  5. Take a long relaxing walk. Reflect on the scenery and environment around you. Notice the little things like a blade of grass or the shape of a leaf.
  6. Carve out at least 10-15 minutes each day to spend on yourself—any way you choose. Put it on your calendar to ensure that it gets done.
  7. Make a cup of herbal tea, or grab your favorite soft drink and sit quietly thinking about the fun things you would like to do. Put these ideas on paper and take action.
  8. Softly play classical music in the background while you do your daily chores, whether you are home or at work..
  9. Get plenty of sleep (whatever amount is appropriate for you).
  10. Read for fun—a novel, poetry, short story.
  11. Laugh a lot—especially if you have a hard time doing so.
  12. Start writing in a personal journal or your own life history (you are never too young to start doing this). Record as many positive thoughts, actions—whatsoever is lovely about you.
  13. Re-start your hobbies. Pull out old unfinished projects, things that have been set aside for one reason or another or just simply start a new one.
  14. Get a checkup and physical exam. Implement whatever strategies are needed to promote good health. Take vitamins and other supplements to keep your energy at its most productive level.
  15. Get a new haircut or style.
  16. Organize your closet or drawers. Tackle a sock or lingerie drawer, dig into that forgotten closet - you'd be surprised what you will find!
  17. Take a different route to work or to town. Take yourself off auto-pilot and watch the cars and people around you.
  18. Build a new relationship with someone who shares your interests.
  19. Go all out to do something kind and compassionate for yourself.
  20. Respect yourself. Refuse to berate, put-down or belittle yourself.
  21. Forgive yourself. Accept the fact that you are not perfect. Choose to move forward instead of remaining stuck in the past or replaying a mistake you made over and over again in your mind.

Have some fun with this. Make a copy of this list and put it on your fridge! There are many more things you can do to be kind to yourself. Make your own list and when you complete every item on this list, start a new one.

The point is that you must plan to do something kind for yourself, and then stick to that plan. Our lives are much too busy these days to let it fall to chance or when you get around to it. You never will, you know. Being kind to yourself will ultimately result in your being kind to others.

Blessings, Barb

1 comment:

The WIlloughby Family said...

I love this post...(No not just becasue my gorgeous kids are in it) But I love the insights you share. I agree, we all wear so many hats each day. Even though our romantic getaway was fun, I again didn't sleep hardly at all and was awake EVERY hour. I think we need to learn to bloom where we are planted and enjoy the time and season our life is in. I know right now my season is motherhood and I need to sometimes take a step back and remember what a blessing it is from Heavenly Father to have the honor of raising these sweet babies. I want them to know like I knew when I was little that they are loved and cherished!! Thanks Mom for sharing this I hope you get feeling better! I love you!

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